About Us

young toddler and mother playing together

A Growing Network For Affordable, Quality Child Care

Yes on Child Care is a growing network of parents, teachers, policymakers, and business leaders supporting public investments to make quality child care affordable and accessible in western North Carolina.


Investing in Our Future

The Critical Need for Accessible, Quality Child Care in WNC Communities

Our WNC communities deserve affordable, accessible, quality early child care programs. Our children benefit when they are in safe, nurturing environments during their early developmental and learning years. Benefits extend to our local businesses when their workforce can access trustworthy and affordable child care.

Unfortunately, our public investments in child care and learning programs have not kept up with the needs of our mountain communities – and this lack of infrastructure is a barrier to success for kids, parents, and businesses. Quality child care and early learning needs all of us working together to promote a bold vision for investing in our kids, families, and workforce.

teacher helping a toddler to draw
Adorable toddler boy playing interactive games for good development

Empowering Western North Carolina

Leading The Change

Yes on Child Care is the flagship campaign of the Western North Carolina Early Childhood Coalition (WNC ECC). WNC ECC is a coalition of early childhood-focused organizations, child care teachers, parents of young children, and advocates collaborating on policy advocacy to improve access to and quality of Early Childhood Care and Education programming in 19 western NC counties. 

For Specific Questions, Contact Greg Borom.